Meet Yosefa Akler

Meet Yosefa Akler Director of the Emunah Neve Landy Children’s Home Yosefa Akler is a little lady with a huge personality. Yosefa has been the… Continue Reading
Meet Yosefa Akler Director of the Emunah Neve Landy Children’s Home Yosefa Akler is a little lady with a huge personality. Yosefa has been the… Continue Reading
For many years we have featured the activities and achievements of the many projects and programs run by Emunah. For the next few months we… Continue Reading
Kol Hanearim volunteers are creating a huge buzz at Emunah Homes. These amazing young people from the US and Canada are part of a unique… Continue Reading
Before coming to Emunah Afula many of our children have experienced a great deal of suffering, maltreatment and even physical and sexual abuse, often… Continue Reading
The beautiful new Grosser Therapy Center at Achuzat Sarah was recently dedicated. The State of the Art Multi-purpose Therapy center was refurbished thanks to the generous… Continue Reading
At the beginning of June Emunah of America went Over the Edge – Chief Development Officer in New York, Laurie Szenicer and Alana Karp together with fifty other brave… Continue Reading
Many of us remember the tragic story of David from Emunah Afula, who during the last fourteen months lost his father and then his brother under… Continue Reading
Emunah Neve Landy celebrates the successful conclusion of another fruitful year. And these are Neve Landy’s magnificent six.. graduating this week after many years. Three of… Continue Reading
This week the Welfare, Labor and Health Committee in the Knesset held a special session focusing on the importance of music in education. The event features SULAMOT, a… Continue Reading
Emunah Beit Weinstein is a unique school that takes in girls who have given up or been given up on by others. The school helps them… Continue Reading
Every month Emunah’s CEO David Hadari reserves a day on his busy schedule to visit a number of Emunah’s Daycare Centers. At the end of such a… Continue Reading
25 Kfir combat soldiers came to Emunah Neve Michael to volunteer with the children and enjoyed a “Yom Sport” with the kids. The children all had a fun… Continue Reading