The London “Better Health for a Better Life” program is a new initiative aimed towards enhancing knowledge and skills of parents of at-risk children in Emunah multipurpose day care centers, with the aim of improving the children’s quality of life, development and physical and mental health.
Parents and children will interact, providing opportunities to strengthen their sometimes very tenuous relationships. The program will include activities for parents and for children dealing with a wide variety of related subjects – preventative hygiene, dental health, nutrition, healthy living and exercise, vaccinations, mental health and others. Parent-children programming will include cooking and baking therapy activities, gardening therapy, music therapy and others.
A beautiful smile is just one of the benefits orthodontics has to offer. Bringing teeth,lips and jaws into proper alignment not only produces a great smile, but a healthyone as well. Straight teeth simply function better and are easier to clean.
Unfortunately, Ministry of Social Affairs regulations stipulate that each year only 2 children per home are eligible for orthodontic treatment. In practice, despite signed paperwork authorizing the treatment, funds have quickly run out and very fewchildren received treatment.Recognizing our responsibility and unable to ignore this vital need, over the past 3years, albeit still on a reduced scale, Emunah had begun to provide orthodontictreatment to the most urgent cases. Unfortunately, as dental treatment is often low onthe priority ladder for low socioeconomic families, many dozens of the children inEmunah homes, urgently require comprehensive dental work and orthodontics.