Emunah Meaningful Gift Store E-Cards

Click Below to download or print a card to send to a loved one in honor of, in memory of, or just because together with you generous donation in the Emunah Meaningful Gift Store.


School Supplies

Every child wants to start the new school year with new school supplies. This gift provides a new school bag, pencils, and textbooks allowing children to access their potential.


Click here to download- School Supplies Card


Hour of Therapy

One Hour of Therapy for an Emunah child to ensure they grow into healthy adults. The government only covers 30% of the therapeutic intervention required by our children.


Click here to download- Hour of Therapy Card


Bar-Bat Mitzvah Gift

Emunah arranges a communal b’nai mitzvah ceremony and party once per
year. This gift provides every child a special gift because every child deserves to feel special to mark this milestone.


Click here to download- Bar-Bat Mitzvah Card


Birthday Fund

When they arrive in our homes, many of children do not even know their own birthdays. Emunah celebrates every year with all our children to highlight their individual importance. This gift provides the funds for birthday parties and presents for Emunah’s children.


Click here to download- Birthday Fund Card


Solider Fund

Upon graduating from our homes, over 90% of Emunah’s children go on to serve in the IDF or perform national service. Like your family, the Emunah family does not end after graduation and this gift supports our children who no longer get government support by providing job readiness training, driving lessons, additional therapy and anything else our children may need.


Click here to download- Solider Fund Card


Food Basket for One Family

Some of our children are able to visit their birth families for major holidays and weekend visits. Many of the children belong to families who struggle financially. Emunah sends home food baskets with the children so everyone can focus on family time.


Click here to download- Food Basket Card


Welcome Package for One Child

Our have suffered unspeakable trauma and often arrive at homes with little more than the clothes on their back. These welcome packages ensures every child coming to Emunah has everything they need to settle in to their new home. The packages include new pajamas and personal hygiene kits.


Click here to download- Welcome Package Card


Child Parent Activity

To encourage positive contact between our children and their parents, the home organizes monthly parent/child activities. During this time, the often estranged children and parents learn to develop a positive and closer relationship.


Click here to download- Child Parent Activity


Tutoring for One Child for a Month

Many children come to Emunah’s homes with long absences from school due to the trauma and neglect. For some, lagging behind in schoolwork is exacerbated by learning disabilities. This gift will fund tutoring for one group each one month. The government does not cover any costs for tutoring.


Click here to download- Tutoring for One Child Card


Food for One Child for a Month

Your gift will allow us to enrich and diversify nutritional meals for the children and feed some of their family members who frequent our program for supervised visits.


Click here to download- Food for One Child Card


Psychological Evaluation for One Child

A psychological evaluation for one child to help the staff identify the child’s needs and formulate a treatment program. This is essential for our children to heal, acquire normal life tools, and break the cycle.


Click here to download- Psychological Evaluation Card


New Computer

We are in urgent and constant need of new computers for schoolwork, projects, and recreation. This will purchase a fully equipped computer and printer for a multimedia room in an Emunah home.


Click here to download- New Computer Card


Wedding Fund

Emunah is here for our children when they choose their spouses. We count on the generosity of donors like you to maintain the ongoing fund and help pay for the wedding and set up a new home for the newlyweds. The Emunah Wedding Fund enables young couples who may not have parental or financial support to get married in a joyful and dignified manner.


Click here to download- Wedding Fund Card


Orthodontic Treatment for One Child

Every child deserves a perfect smile. Unless medically needed, the government does not fund any orthodontic treatment leaving many girls and boys with devastated self-esteem. Help Emunah’s children have a smile of which they can be proud!


Click here to download- Orthodontic Card